sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

NIAID Funding Newsletter, September 17, 2014

NIAID Funding Newsletter, September 17, 2014

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Feature Articles

September Is National Biosafety Stewardship Month As part of National Biosafety Stewardship Month, join NIH and other HHS agencies in reinforcing safe practices in biomedical research. Read the full article.

Opportunities and Resources

A Solution if You're Struggling With Foreign Clinical Regulations If you're not steeped in foreign clinical regulations, we have a resource that gives you a proverbial lay of the land. Read the full article.
NIH Solicitation for Small Business Innovation Research Contract Proposals Small businesses take note: NIH has issued the 2015 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program contract solicitation. Read the full article.
FOAs Focus on Role of the Microbiome in HIV-1 Vaccine Responses NIAID seeks to award R01 and R21 grants to support research that's focused on elucidating the role of the microbiome in shaping the host immune responses to HIV-1 transmission and vaccination in the gastrointestinal and genital mucosa.Read the full article.
Collaborative Research Program on Disease Transmission Expertise in a range of disciplines is needed to uncover the transmission dynamics of zoonotic infectious diseases. Read the full article.

In The News

NIH Clarifies Significant Changes to Animal Activities Your institution's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and veterinarian will want to take a close look at NIH's new guidance on significant changes to animal activities. Read the full article.
A Reminder About Just-in-Time Information You may have recently received an invitation to submit just-in-time (JIT) information. Read the full article.
Just Posted: Sample F31-Diversity Application When writing a grant application, there's nothing quite as helpful as reading one from a person who's been funded. Read the full article.
News Briefs

Advice Corner

See What's New About Our Renewal Advice We now have new advice and options for approaching your renewal application. Read the full article.
Reader Questions

New Funding Opportunities

See other announcements at NIAID Funding Opportunities List.
Send suggestions or comments to deaweb@niaid.nih.gov .

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